It is an Italian excellence, so much so that it has been called the “king of blue cheeses”. Its origins date back to very ancient times and are linked to certain legends. It takes its name from the main Italian production city: Gorgonzola, in the Milan area. And it has a Protected Designation of Origin (DOP), so it can only be produced in certain areas. Among the reasons for its success are a soft, almost creamy texture, and a particular and characteristic flavor that makes it unique, appetizing and irresistible. In addition to the sweet one, there is the spicy version, more compact and crumbly, with a stronger and more decisive flavor. A tip: to fully enjoy the creaminess of Gorgonzola DOP, it is best to remove it from the refrigerator at least half an hour before consuming it.

Otherwise, it is an uncooked cheese, straw-white in color, whose green veins are due to the marbling process, that is, the formation of mold (something that all blue cheeses have in common). And if a bite of Gorgonzola DOP is already a unique experience, get ready to try it in countless recipes. This cheese is a true inspiration for every cook, because it always has an extra flavor to add and a surprising result to create. Its versatility and unique character in its sweet and spicy variants are ideal for cooking. Every dish is exciting if it is made with Gorgonzola DOP. Below, we propose five very Spanish recipes for different times of the day. Easy, simple and to do at home!

These and many other recipes await you at Choose the one you like the most and enjoy cooking it at home. The result will always be a tasty and simple dish with the best of ingredients: Gorgonzola DOP cheese.