Depression is today one of the most frequent reasons for consultation and the most common pathology for which psychiatric care is required. It is a mental disorder that is mainly characterized by a low mood and deep sadness that affects behavior and way of thinking. Another series of symptoms is also perceived, such as loss of interest in general, a pessimistic future vision, irritability, lack of self-confidence, exhaustion and, in some cases, even thoughts related to death or suicidal practices.

However, each case of depression has certain peculiarities, one of which has to do with the type in question, since there are three different symptoms. One of them is known as major depression, which appears recurrently. There is also reactive depression, linked to stressful circumstances. And the so-called dysthymia, of lesser intensity. The reasons why one type or another arises are related to the causes that lead people to suffer from depression.

Dr. Jorge Pla Vidal, specialist in the Department of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra, explains that depressive symptoms generally occur according to the confluence of various factors. In fact, the most frequent reasons have to do with the psychosocial panorama, that is, a stressful situation in people’s work or emotional life. The interaction of certain biological factors is also very common, such as hormonal changes and alterations in brain neurotransmitters. Without forgetting the genetic components. And, in some cases, depression is associated with organic diseases, such as Parkinson’s or tuberculosis.

The answer is clear for Psychology: it depends on each patient. Dr. Jorge Pla Vidal points out that the ideal treatment for depression should always be adjusted to the specific characteristics of each type and the particular person who suffers from it. The specialist states that, basically, the strategy to be carried out is formed by psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy.

In the first case, psychotherapy focuses on providing emotional support, as well as providing security, empathy and trust. “You try to correct distorted thoughts,” she explains. Since one of the objectives is to prevent possible future relapses.

As for pharmacological treatment, this is based on antidepressants, anxiolytics and other types of medications focused on keeping symptoms under control and increasing the patient’s well-being. In more serious and very specific cases, the expert specifies, it may be necessary to apply other types of measures, such as electroconvulsive treatment.