The Catalunya Denomination of Origin has created a distinctive label for wines that have been made by farmers, the ‘Catalunya Vinyeró’ seal, which aims to highlight the work of the winemaker. The vinyeró is the artisan who works the vineyard, makes his own wine and markets it, a figure that is characterized by a firm commitment to the product, the environment, the landscape and the public, the DO Catalunya points out in a statement.

This distinction was also created with the objective of providing maximum transparency and information to consumers, providing more data about the product.

“When the buyer finds himself in front of a wine with the ‘Catalunya Vinyeró’ distinctive, he will have the guarantee that it has been made by winegrowers who have taken care of the vineyard, made a wine exclusively with its grapes and also assumed its marketing,” they point out. .

In fact, these are the requirements for producers to request the new distinction: that they produce all of their wines exclusively with the grapes they have collected from the vineyards they cultivate. It will be the Regulatory Council that will certify the parameters of its own production, individually identifying each bottle with this seal.

Blancher, Mas de la Pansa and Pla de Morei are currently the only wineries that have achieved the distinction for some of their wines. Other producers are already showing interest and have begun the processing process.

But ‘Catalunya Vinyeró’ is not the only distinctive that the DO Catalunya has created this year. Also in 2023 they have launched the ‘Barcelona Sustainable Catalunya’ seal, an initiative that highlights the environmental commitment of the wineries that fall under this category.

“It is a cutting-edge project that attests to the sustainable development of wineries, and that certifies that they have verified carbon footprint calculations,” they say.

Wineries that adhere to this brand must commit to reducing CO? emissions by 50% by 2030 compared to those they emitted in 2008, in addition to assuming at least 35% self-produced renewable energy, among other requirements.