The expert in specialized search and selection and Principal at the consulting firm Walters People, Beatriz Rodríguez, advises changing jobs in the months of November and December, despite the fact that many professionals usually wait until the beginning of the new year to begin their job search.

Specifically, as this expert explains, one of the reasons to look for work at these times is that there are a greater number of job vacancies because companies usually establish a hiring plan to ensure that they have incorporated the necessary professionals into their teams before the the fourth quarter ends.

In this regard, he indicates that one of the main reasons is that they prefer to start the new year with the right people already on board, rather than delaying disembarkation until January.

In addition, he points out that many companies also have an annual budget assigned for the hiring they need and that they must maintain for the following year, so the end of the year is one of the busiest periods for hiring managers.

On the other hand, according to Rodríguez, in these last days of the year there is less competition, since one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is to change jobs. Therefore, those who are already prepared to start the job search between November and December have a slight advantage and less competition.

Along the same lines, he points out that, sometimes, companies find that their job offers have fewer candidates and this means that a prepared professional can find the new job of their dreams before others start looking for it.

Finally, another reason is that since the end of the year is usually marked by a decrease in workload in certain areas, it is the ideal time to start working in a new company and begin training for a new position.

On the contrary, in most cases the beginning of the year is full of strategic meetings and is a time when team leaders are busiest. Therefore, joining a company in the last months of the year will always be more convenient both for the team leader who must train the new hire, and for the new employee who seeks to know all the ins and outs of the company.