Spanish high society has been the battleground for two women who can’t stand each other for some time. It’s no secret that Agatha Ruiz de la Prada and Carmen Lomana don’t want to know anything about each other, but sometimes they have no choice but to coincide in space and time.

Charity events are usually events where glamor and philanthropy come together. However, at El Rastrillo Nuevo Futuro in Madrid, attention was drawn to the tension between these two socialites, who met again after a meeting in Seville a few months ago.

Although both were present in the same place for a considerable time, surprisingly there was no interaction between them. Ruiz de la Prada, as he explained to Europa Press, noticed Lomana’s presence, and did not like him at all that he was close to his stand: “He has been in front of my stand for an hour.” And it did not sit well with him at all. , since he considers it a provocation: “Look, there was room to be somewhere else.”

For her part, Lomana, who also spoke with Europa Press, maintained a posture of indifference towards the designer. Asked about a possible rapprochement, Lomana was clear in expressing her lack of interest in engaging in any type of dialogue or reconciliation: “I have come here to help and see, nothing more.”

Furthermore, the television collaborator took advantage of the recent inauguration of Pedro Sánchez as President of the Government of Spain to make it clear how she was not going to behave with the designer: “We are not going to be like the president yesterday, laughing at his opponent with a clean laugh.” .

The enmity between Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada and Carmen Lomana has its origins in a series of disagreements and public statements. Although they have known each other for decades, they have never maintained a close friendship, as the designer has already said on occasion.

In this sense, Ruiz de la Prada expressed distrust towards Lomana, stating that she was never his friend and that she always caused him bad feelings. The tension intensified with Lomana’s critical comments toward Ágatha, particularly about her boyfriend, lawyer José Manuel Díaz-Patón, describing her as “cocky, arrogant, frustrated and envious.” Ágatha, for her part, described Lomana as obsessed and downplayed her criticism, calling her a “firecracker” and questioning her relevance in society.