* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

Otoño declares himself a 100% fan of the landscape that surrounds the industrial canal of Colònia Borgonyà, in Sant Vicenç de Torelló, Osona region. This channel is formed by the diversion of water in a lock to supply the spinning mill.

At this time of year we can see the colors of autumn reflected in the waters of the canal, as seen in these images in La Vanguardia’s Readers’ Photos.

This industrial colony located in this bend of the River Ter was formed in the early 1890s by the Scottish company Nuevas Hilaturas del Ter, S.A., in the area where the Borgonyà mas and a small sanctuary were located. After more than a century in operation, the factory closed definitively in 2000.

The colony, declared a Cultural Asset of National Interest (BCIN), can be visited on guided tours, where they tell you its history, explain details of its architecture, its urban planning and, ultimately, all the elements that made it a reference factory. and one of the most important in Catalonia.

Among the elements that can be seen are the workers’ housing, the casino theater, the factory boilers, the lock, the soccer field and the gardens.