* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

Campdevànol stands out for its location under Mount Puigmal, with the fantastic 46 meter high bell tower, today the icon of the municipality.

In these photographs in La Vanguardia Readers’ Photos we can see how the tip of the bell tower of the Sant Cristòfol church stretches out so much that it is as if it wanted to puncture the hot air balloon flying through the sky.

In addition to the surrounding natural landscapes, Campdevànol has urban walks and this parish temple that dates back to the 18th century, although it was rebuilt in 1945 due to the aftermath of the civil war and the 1944 earthquake.

The temple is part, along with a farmhouse and the cemetery, of an architectural complex of great quality and conservation, nestled in the urban fabric of the town.

In this location in the Ripollès region we find multiple options to enjoy nature this autumn, such as the popular Set Gorgs del Torrent de la Cabana route. But you can also discover the landscape from the sky aboard a balloon.