A demonstration brought together thousands of people in Valencia this Sunday to ask for “human rights” in the Gaza Strip and to stop talking about “numbers” to focus on the people who, they stressed, “have dreams, family and history.” “.

The march, called by the union of more than 120 entities, including the Palestinian Community in Valencia or the Boycott, Divestments and Sanctions País València (BDS) association, started from the Bullring and advanced along Colón Street, until finalize in front of the Government Delegation in the Valencia Community.

Among those attending was Taghreed Alsayed, a Palestinian woman who arrived in Spain three days ago on one of the planes that the Air Force had placed in Cairo (Egypt) to transport Spanish-Palestinians and relatives residing in the Strip.

“We were expecting death at any moment, we were neither eating nor living,” said Alsayed, in statements to the media, who also explained that he has left his entire family behind although “he preferred to stay.” However, she has stressed that they have supported her because “they want some member to be saved, instead of everyone dying.”

On the other hand, attendees carried various Palestinian flags, including a giant one that was carried by several people and that has been painted by hand stamping.

In addition, many of the protesters have painted their hands red, as a sign of protest against the “killing of children” at the hands of Israel. Along these same lines, some of the attendees have shown rolled sheets with red paint that tried to emulate the murdered babies.

Likewise, some of the banners that have been raised had the slogans ‘Save Gaza’, ‘Free Palestine’ or ‘GAZA HOLD ON! THE WORLD RISE’. They have also chanted slogans such as “Israel guilty, Europe responsible” or “Gaza will be the grave of Zionism.”

This demonstration is the sixth to be held and the spokesman for the Palestinian Community in Valencia, Adel Yousef, has indicated that “they will not stop taking to the streets until they stop the massacre and get the Government to mobilize.”

Yousef has denounced that they have killed “even newborns” and “they have begun to attack schools.” In this sense, he has pointed out that the “only new thing that appears is that there are more deaths every day.”

Regarding the deaths, he asked that we not talk “only about numbers”, but about human beings who have “dreams, family and history.” “It’s not 18,000, it’s 18,000 people who were looking for freedom and are no longer there,” she stressed.

Likewise, he has claimed that among the victims are children with fathers and mothers who have seen their children “dead or headless.” He has demanded “a diplomatic action” because “every day there is an intermediary, but everything remains the same”, and has demanded that “universal rights” be applied whether the person is “Palestinian, Jewish or Spanish”: “They are human.”

The BDS País Valencià activist, Laura Ferre, has pointed out that the demonstration has been called together with “other civil societies around the world” because “what is happening in Palestine is not an isolated event and has been happening for 75 years.” “From Valencia we ask for an arms embargo, the breaking of relations with Israel and, above all, for the genocide to stop because more than 15,000 people have been murdered,” he claimed.