“He came.” An artisan who works the vineyard and who also makes the wine and markets it. That is the term that designates the combination of the words viticulturist (the farmer) and vinicultor (the producer). He is an omnipresent figure who watches over his vineyards, but also assumes all the processes until we open a bottle of wine, which demonstrates a firm commitment to his product, to his environment, landscape and to his audience.

The term is not yet widespread, although it is used more and more, both in Catalan, “vinyeró”, and in Spanish, viñerón. It is the way to transfer here what has been installed in France for years under the name “vigneron”. Or as some experts also call it, a ‘triple A’ producer, who is at the same time a farmer, artisan and artist.

With this vocation for maximum transparency and information to consumers, the Catalunya Denomination of Origin has created this new distinction for some of its wines, under the brand “Catalunya Vinyeró”, which distinguishes those wines that have been made by farmers who produce and market their productions.

When we find a DO Catalunya wine with the “Catalunya Vinyeró” brand, we are sure that behind it there is a winegrower who has taken care of the vineyard, has made the wine exclusively with its grapes and has taken on its marketing.

The Regulatory Council therefore certifies the parameters of its own production by individually identifying each bottle with the distinctive ‘Catalunya Vinyeró’ seal.

Very simple, you just have to look for the distinctive “Catalunya Vinyeró” on the bottle label. Currently you can find references from three wineries on the market with the distinctive “Catalunya Vinyeró”: Blancher, Mas de la Pansa and Pla de Morei. More wines will be added in the coming months.