Megaloblastic anemia or vitamin deficiency anemia is a condition involving a lack of healthy red blood cells. This occurs when the amounts of some vitamins in the body are below normal levels. These vitamins are C, B-12 and folate. The causes of the deficiency and the corresponding anemia may be insufficient intake of foods with these vitamins or the body having difficulty absorbing them.

Additionally, red blood cells can be very large, oval and disc-shaped, and die before the normal 120-day life expectancy of these cells.

Vitamin deficiency anemia occurs when the human body does not have the amount of vitamins necessary to generate the adequate number of red blood cells, which transport oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. The causes are an unbalanced diet or a disorder that causes the body to not absorb vitamins correctly. Vitamin deficiency anemia falls into three categories:

– Folate deficiency anemia. Vitamin B-9 folate is found especially in fruits and vegetables. in green leafy vegetables. A diet that is consistently lacking in these foods can lead to a deficiency. Drinking alcohol in large quantities or taking certain medications can contribute to hindering the absorption of vitamin B-9. The

– Anemia due to vitamin B-12 deficiency. Vitamin B-12 is found especially in milk, meat, eggs and milk.

– Anemia due to vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is found in foods such as oranges, red peppers, kiwi, parsley or broccoli among many others.

There are certain factors that increase the risk of suffering from vitamin deficiency anemia:

– Unbalanced diet. Vegetarians and vegans have to compensate for the lack of some foods such as milk or meat.

– Being pregnant normally means having a low level of folic acid.

– Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

– Anomalies in the functioning of the intestines.

– Certain autoimmune disorders.

The symptoms of megaloblastic anemia are easy to detect, but they are very common and can be confused with similar symptoms of other diseases:

– Fatigue.

– Paleness of the skin.

– Sensitive tongue.

– Muscular weakness.

– Diarrhea.

– Irritability.

– Respiratory problems.

– Nausea and vomiting.

– Arrhythmias.

– Itching and tingling in the extremities.

– Mental confusion.

The doctor subjects the patient to a physical examination and performs a blood test to determine the number of red blood cells in the body and the level of the three vitamins. Sometimes it is necessary to resort to other tests such as antibody detection.

To treat megaloblastic anemia, there are basically two ways. We must improve our diet to ensure that the foods we eat have adequate levels of vitamins. And we can also resort to taking vitamin supplements to alleviate the deficit in our diet.

Preventing this disorder involves following a balanced diet rich in vitamins. Foods with high levels of folate are, among others, nuts, fruit in general, vegetables, rice and cereals. Foods such as eggs, milk, seafood and meat have a high level of vitamin B-12. Fruits, broccoli and tomatoes, among others, are rich in vitamin C. It is advisable to drink little alcohol, not smoke and exercise regularly.