Suddenly you find yourself in the middle of an uncomfortable situation, you begin to feel the heat under the skin of your face and you realize what is happening: your complexion has turned as red as a tomato, you are unable to hide it and – Since it’s not enough, you’re like a hot iron – the funny guy on duty always appears to point it out, which can only make the situation worse.

It is something that many people suffer from, quite regularly. But what is the true explanation for this embarrassment and how to avoid it?

It’s not just a thing for shy people

Facial flushing is a physiological and everyday response that happens suddenly and uncontrollably and affects all human beings.

Our skin has numerous nerve endings and blood vessels, which dilate when, when we are embarrassed or angry, our heart rate accelerates. This is the origin of that uncomfortable blush

It is normally associated with situations in which we experience modesty, anger, anxiety or excitement, and with personalities who are shy, insecure, introverted or with a certain fear of making a fool of themselves.

However, Cristina Ruiz Coloma, positive psychology at the Teknon Medical Center and member of the Official College of Psychology of Catalonia, assures that “it is something that happens to all of us, to a greater or lesser degree, and is not always caused by a situation.” of shame. “Sometimes it is a more physiological issue for each individual.”

The problem arises when it happens frequently and the person becomes obsessed. According to the expert, there are certain people who can develop erythrophobia, that is, fear of turning red.

To combat it, the psychologist recommends as a first step accepting that it is something natural: “We must de-dramatize it, it is not something so terrible, and take it as something intrinsic to our personality.”

Another way to manage it, according to Ruiz Coloma, would be through breathing and relaxation exercises that help us control our reactions a little more.

However, sometimes it is a consequence that hides insecurities or low self-esteem. In that case, it is necessary to seek the help of an expert to get to the root of the issue.

As a last option, doctors can recommend a surgical intervention called endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy, the same one that is carried out to end hyperhidrosis (excess sweating), which consists of cutting the sympathetic nerves that are responsible for controlling sweating, explains the US National Library of Medicine

The advantages of blushing

For Peter J. de Jong, professor of experimental psychology at the University of Groningen (Holland) and author of “The psychological significance of the blush,” it could be a positive trait in the eyes of others: “After a transgression, we perceive as more empathetic and trustworthy to someone who turns red.”

It could even help others judge us “more lightly” or see us “more attractive.” “It seems that blushing enhances the impression that the opponent regrets his betrayal, so this reaction could be valid as a sign of conciliatory behavior and concern for others,” says Jong.

While another study by psychology professor at Murdoch University (Australia), Peter Drummond, has shown that blushing is independent of skin color, although – apparently – not of sex: “It is true that women blush. a little more than men, but we still don’t know why,” says Drummond.