Ximo Puig told this newspaper yesterday that he was not “disappointed” with Pedro Sánchez’s decision not to include him in the new Spanish Government. “I never thought he could be there, the speculation was more from other environments” added the leader of the PSPV. Regarding the suitability of his profile to assume a portfolio with a strong regional projection, he pointed out that “I am clear about my convictions and my vision about the territorial model of Spain, it is not about having one position or another, I have always thought the same “.

The former Valencian president also states that the retention of Diana Morant “is a success”, and adds that “even more so that competition in Universities has been added to Science.” In this regard, he emphasizes that “she is a very important asset in the Government and has demonstrated great management capacity.” However, he rejects that Morant’s situation opens a new political scenario in the PSPV: “she has nothing to do with it, the PSPV has always decided its own things, it has its own internal dynamics.”

On this issue, Ximo Puig agrees to expand his reflection. He believes that “there is no renewal process in the open PSPV; the leadership of the PSPV will be decided by the PSPV when the time comes” (the federation congress will be in the fall of next year). He warns that he has the will “not to repeat the mistakes of the past, that we go the same way as happened in 1995; in a context like this, with the right and the extreme right governing, Valencian socialism will be united.”

Now the bet, he says, is to maintain the cohesion “of the bases.” “People are aware, both in local and regional groups, that whoever takes the step towards confrontation will be punished.” And he adds that “it is important to look at Valencian society, anything that weakens the PSPV is dynamiting the possibility of responding to our society.”

Regarding whether he will make any decision about continuing in Valencia as a deputy and at the same time continuing as a senator, he points out that “for the moment I think I can and should help from both areas.” And as to whether he will continue not to be present at the control sessions, he argues that “those sessions are so that the trustee can have notoriety and the full role to question the Government’s action.”