The Gazetteer’s Presentation has given approval to the creation of the Freddie Mercury and Montserrat Caballé viewpoint in the Sant Martí district. The memory will be located in a new space between Carrer de Castillejos and Plaça de las Glòries.

In Ciutat Vella, in the space between Calle Mercaders and Calle Avelllà, there will be the Plaza de los Fotógrafos Català, dedicated to Pere Català Pic and Francesc and Pere Català Roca, father and son belonging to this family of photographers.

Likewise, in the Raval neighborhood, the change of name of Sant Rafael street to Maria Casas Mira street, founding member and president of the Association of Neighbors and Merchants of La Mesa del Raval and activist for the recovery of the historical memory of the neighborhood.

In Horta-Guinardó, three spaces will receive a new name. They will be the Plaza de Josep Fontana, historian and Gold Medal of the City, the street dedicated to the writer and politician Joaquim Amat-Piniella and the street of the Popular Olympics.

In Sant Andreu, it has been approved to name Nelson Mandela Square, the politician and anti-apartheid fighter, in the space between Paseo de Mollerusa and Calle de Tàrrega and between the streets of Sèquia Madriguera and Calle de Sas, in the Bon Pastor neighborhood .

In the two gazetteer presentations held since the beginning of the mandate, there has been a vote in favor of incorporating another twelve women’s names into the streets and squares of Barcelona. All of them refer to women representatives of the memory of neighborhood, political and union activism or also of culture and science.