Black Friday is traditionally celebrated on the last Friday of November, but more and more stores, brands and platforms are activating their discounts during the previous week or even the entire month, with the aim of encouraging purchases thanks to the discounted prices. This occasion is perfect to advance some Christmas gift or give ourselves that treat that we have been wanting for a long time.

However, we must be very careful when buying during Black Friday, especially on online platforms. And it is more than common for prices to fluctuate, making us believe that they are cheaper… but nothing could be further from the truth. A scam that occurs more often than we think is that the prices of some items increase in the days prior to this day, so that later, even applying the relevant discount, we are really paying for it at the same original price or even more expensive. .

To avoid falling into this typical Black Friday scam and also the Christmas campaign, one trick is to resort to websites, applications and other price tracking platforms. These track records of the prices of an item and show you if it has previously been cheaper or more expensive, or alert you when its price drops to the amount you want. Below, we compile the most popular ones.

We could say that it is the most popular price tracker, although it has the drawback that it only works for Amazon. Of course, the online commerce giant is a recurring portal for purchases on Black Friday and Christmas, so it will be very useful for you.

You can use its web version or download an extension for your browser. You can search for the item you want from its search engine, or search for it first on Amazon and then enter the link in CamelCamelCamel. You will see a graph with records of the item’s price variations and you can also consult different sellers to find out the best offer, or receive an alert when the object reaches a specific price.

Keepa is another price tracker whose action is limited to Amazon and that works in a very similar way to the previous one, through an extension for the browser you use or from its website. Like CamelCamelCamel, it shows you a record of the price increases and decreases of an item and you can set an alert in case it is cheaper.

Idealo is a website to compare different prices between various online shopping platforms. You can search for an item you want and it will tell you where it is available cheaper, as well as set up alerts.

This website also tracks prices from different platforms. Enter the link of the product you want to buy in your search engine and you will be able to check its price fluctuations.