Bárbara Rey has been in the spotlight since the preview of the interview her son Ángel Cristo gave came out, harshly charging against her. The star has seen how her first-born son has assured that, for him, “the real nightmare” was her mother and not her father. An interview that will be released in its entirety at the premiere of the program ¡De friday!.

“The Moraleja house was a nightmare. There was fear, terror and blood. Everything came and went in that house: drugs, alcohol, prostitutes (…) My mother bore all the responsibility,” said the son of Angel Christ father. And, although the singer has decided not to comment on the matter, a podcast has just been published in which she has spoken openly about her problems with gambling.

One of the things that Ángel Cristo Jr. has made clear in his statements is that his mother had a serious problem with gambling. “I have seen her spend a lot of money in the casino: from 100 to 30,000 euros in one night,” he said. Some words that she herself confirmed in this program that she recorded a few weeks ago and that she has just seen the light of day.

Addicts and Neurotics is the podcast that Sofía Cristo and Inés Bárcenas have just released, and the first guest has been Bárbara Rey. “You don’t think that he has any problem when he goes to play and that was my ruin,” the actress confessed. A problem with the casino that she already confessed a while ago and about which she wanted to speak more clearly than ever.

As he has related, everything came as a result of the separation with Ángel Cristo Sr.. “It doesn’t help me at all. I don’t have a pension nor did he reach an agreement. There was no money,” he said. Therefore, she decided to enter the world of gaming. “At first I play, I win, and I leave. I play, I win and I leave,” she added.

So much so, that he could earn a million pesetas every month. Money that helped her children study and live in the best way possible, until they had enough. However, his return to the casino was not long in coming: “When I go back to work, I start to earn a lot of money and I start playing again.”

“The first day I went to the casino I won a fortune. Like three million pesetas. It was when I bought the jet ski because I was crazy, and because my son asked me for it as a joke,” he said. After this problems came quickly. The star confesses that she began to lose until she reached the “extreme.”

As he explains, he even asked for a mortgage to have money and continue playing. “I was already afraid. To the point that I put my companies in the name of Sofía and Ángel so that I couldn’t lose and I wouldn’t leave them on the street,” she added. Some problems that she managed to overcome, but that seem to have deeply marked her firstborn.