* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In this photograph that I took on the lot of my house in Altet, in the Urgell region, an airplane appears, but are you sure you will be able to locate it in this sky?

This is the new visual challenge that I propose to you today in The Readers’ Challenge of La Vanguardia. The dynamics of the game are simple, I am going to show you the image and you just have to find the plane. Easy?… Safe?

Have you managed to overcome the Challenge yet? Not yet?… Okay, I’m going to give you a little help, a clue so you can find the plane more easily.

In this detailed photograph you can see how it leaves a trail as it passes through the sky, a detail that can help you locate it in the sky.

Now have you managed to see the plane in the photograph? Yeah? No? In any case, I am going to show you the image again, indicating the exact point where the aircraft is. It is the solution to this visual challenge.