In the province of Shandong, in eastern China, a scientific milestone has been recorded: the birth of the first cloned cat using exclusively Chinese technology, marking an important advance in the field of biotechnology.

As reported by the Global Times, the cat, a 141-gram male who is in perfect health, was born after a natural gestation of 69 days to a surrogate mother. This achievement is the result of collaboration between Qingdao Agricultural University and a private company, based on cloning mammalian somatic cells.

Zhao Minghui, associate professor at the university and member of the research team, has revealed to the Global Times the significance of this advance, which demonstrates China’s ability to sustain a complete industrial chain of animal cloning.

The project, which began in 2020, arose in response to problems posed by imported cloning reagents and equipment. Zhao and his team set out to develop all-Chinese alternatives, to overcome the performance instabilities and technological limitations associated with foreign products. This system has not only improved the efficiency of the cloning process, but has also significantly reduced costs.

The cat cloned in Qingdao is not the first case of its kind in China. The country had already witnessed the birth of Garlic, the first cloned cat in 2019, and the company Sinogene Biotechnology Co has cloned dogs for several clients. These animals can exceed $35,000 on the market.

Pet cloning is not just a scientific achievement; It also has a strong emotional and commercial component. The loss of a pet can be a painful experience for many, which has created a considerable market opportunity. Many pet owners, willing to pay large sums, see cloning as a way to prolong the company of their deceased pets.