The Market Solidario, the initiative promoted by Blanca’s family (a girl who was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor when she was one and a half years old) to raise funds to combat childhood cancer, reaches its sixth edition this year with the aspiration of reaching a new fundraising record and exceeding the 100,000 euros in donations achieved in its last edition.

“It all started when my granddaughter Blanca was one and a half years old and she was diagnosed with a rhabdoid tumor; In the family we were all low in spirits and a good friend, to activate us, mobilized others to donate clothes that they no longer used and encouraged me to organize with her a solidarity sale at one of her premises to raise funds to help research on the childhood cancer and Blanca’s illness,” recalls Ana Manent.

Word of mouth and WhatsApp groups worked and the success of the initiative (they raised 25,000 euros) encouraged them to repeat it. For the third edition, they were given a larger and more central location – the ground floor of the Natura store on Pelayo Street in Barcelona – and they practically doubled the collection (48,000 euros).

The participation of more and more volunteers made the event grow, which in each edition has added adhesions from individuals and also from clothing brands that donate their garments in solidarity. Dresses from major brands, wedding suits, baptism dresses… go on sale at affordable prices to gain a second life while serving to improve the lives of children with cancer and their families.

Last year, the sale of these garments allowed donations, of 50,000 euros each, to projects to care for childhood cancer survivors of the Villavecchia Foundation and to childhood cancer research at the Sant Joan de Déu hospital. Specifically, these latest funds were allocated to the research team led by Alexandra Avgustinova, for a project whose main objective is to study the cell of origin of rhabdoid tumors (like Blanca’s) and what is the molecular framework that facilitates to transform into this pediatric cancer.

“Research is essential to save the lives of these children and improve their quality of life, but it is also essential to meet the needs that arise after overcoming cancer in childhood,” says Manent. That is why the money they achieve with this year’s Solidarity Market (which will be held at the Natura store on Pelayo Street from December 11 to 19) will once again be distributed between Sant Joan de Déu and the Villavecchia Foundation to promote activities and support specific to children and young people who have overcome cancer.