The territory of the Llobregat Delta has a set of unique infrastructures and facilities that give it almost unique characteristics in the context of European metropolitan areas, such as the port and the airport. The accessibility and characteristics of this territory make it very attractive for new potentially relevant implementations in terms of generating value and jobs. Within this framework, InnoDelta was created in 2021, promoted by the municipalities of the Llobregat Delta —Viladecans, Sant Boi, Castelldefels, El Prat and Gavà— and two internationally renowned technology centers located in the Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia, the ICFO ( Institut de Ciències Fotòniques) and the CIMNE (International Center for Numerical Methods applied to Engineering), which work to promote a set of actions turning the Delta territory into an innovation hub.

InnoDelta deploys actions through three strategic axes: the Delta Coneixement initiative, an open data platform created and managed by the Viladecans City Council for the territory, which allows the collection, processing, sharing and dissemination of strategic data with the ultimate objective of learning, compare, make decisions and improve the management of industrial estates and their economic activity.

The Xarxa de Laboratoris Públics Locals Especialitzats: a network of equipment deployed throughout the territory. Thus, the public innovation laboratory of Sant Boi de Llobregat Coboi Lab is a relational, knowledge and experimentation space focused on facing contemporary challenges in the territory in a collaborative way. It does so through its own 4>17 methodology, designed with the objective of detecting opportunities and shared visions that help design effective solutions. The meeting The electric vehicle, future perspectives and shared visions was organized in this laboratory.

The Gavà Ecocircular Lab laboratory, located in the recovered equipment of the Unió de Cooperadors and which, with a digital space for the development and prototyping of ideas, is specialized in circular and sustainable economy projects, aimed at companies, entrepreneurial people and citizens in general. Gavà has prepared a study on energy transition carried out in collaboration with fifteen local companies. Photovoltaic consumption and capacities are analyzed, providing key advice to promote self-consumption models and energy communities among the municipality’s business fabric. This initiative promotes sustainability and reinforces the vision of a more eco-efficient and circular territory.

In El Prat de Llobregat, Logistic

For its part, Viladecans has the IoT

InnoDelta has also allowed the creation of the Delta Emprèn technological incubation and entrepreneurship space, where the prototyping and solutions achieved in the Delta LABS network will generate new opportunities from the acceleration and incubation of ideas and new business projects. The Delta ON Start Up service in Castelldefels and the renowned research centers CIMNE and ICFO play an important role here. Delta ON Start Up has the mission of promoting technology transfer activities between the business community and the different innovation agents that are part of the territory’s innovative ecosystem.

In the On Start Up space, in Castelldefels, in collaboration with the FoodService cluster, the On Innovation Lunch Conference was organized. CIMNE, for its part, has developed a pilot plan to bring citizens closer to digital resources and demonstrate the potential of emerging technologies.

Of the eleven spin-off companies that have been launched from the ICFO incubator, which employ around one hundred people, InnoDelta has supported the creation of two new companies, Vitsolc, in the clean energy sector, and LuxQuanta, in the cybersecurity sector, for which the ICFO received the 2023 National Innovation Award. InnoDelta is a territorial specialization and competitiveness project (PECT). The budget it has is 4,335,786.72 euros, with a 50% subsidy co-financed between the participating partners and the Generalitat of Catalonia, through the European Regional Development Funds (PO FEDER de Catalunya 2014-2020) .