The general secretary of Vox, Ignacio Garriga, asked the PP this Monday not to be fooled by the PSOE, not to believe their “cynical and burlesque acts” showing Spanish flags and to decide now to fight the Government of Pedro Sánchez and its pacts with separatism.

In the press conference after the Vox Political Action Committee, Garriga once again criticized the PP for not responding to his demand to coordinate and convert the Senate, where the Popular Party has an absolute majority, into the “dam of containment” against Sanchez.

Vox number 2 has especially censored the agreements reached by the PP with the PSOE and Sumar to form the parliamentary commissions of Congress, among them one to audit “nothing more and nothing less” than controlling the democratic quality “with those responsible for the coup of State”. “For what? So that they can continue attacking the few remaining institutions such as the judiciary? The PP must decide,” Garriga insisted.

The general secretary of Vox has insisted that the amnesty, far from “reinforcing the social shield”, “consecrates inequality between Spaniards.” He has also criticized the Government for doing nothing about inflation and has attacked former president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero for defending Sánchez’s management.

Likewise, Garriga has warned that if the Constitutional Court (TC) finally rules the constitutionality of the amnesty law, “there will be no common sense that will resist it nor a democrat that will understand it,” and he has warned that they will continue to call for the street.

Garriga has also criticized the popular party for asking them not to run in next year’s Galician elections. “We don’t understand anything,” he said, while inviting citizens to attend the “act of resistance” against the amnesty law called by Vox on December 2 at the exit of the San Ildelfonso metro in Cornellá (Barcelona). ).

The general secretary of the formation has also celebrated that the PSOE has lost the absolute majority this Sunday in the electoral repetition in Ceutí (Murcia), where Vox has managed to add a third councilor.

Vox’s number 2 has, on the other hand, reproached the conflict with Israel created by Sánchez, who “has set out to destroy the international image of Spain” and “will undoubtedly go down in history, among other things, as an ally of Hamas.” “. “It is the shame of Spain and the shame of all of Europe,” said Garriga, for whom the Government’s foreign policy is based on confronting allies and “getting closer to terrorists.”

In the same sense, the general secretary of the party led by Abascal has considered that they should “do the opposite of what the PSOE is doing”, and “end the open border policies” because, in his opinion, “the “We Europeans have the right to defend ourselves.”

Finally, the general secretary of the ultra formation has confirmed the presence at the “highest level” of Vox at the inauguration of Javier Milei as the new president of Argentina, after defending that it is a “historical milestone”, in which “socialism was dealt a blow” and “a period of freedom and prosperity opened for Argentina.”