The judge of the National Court Manuel García-Castellón has called on various organizations, including the European Union Agency for Aviation Safety (EASA) and NATO, to communicate the incidents in both national and international air traffic due to the riots. summoned by Tsunami Democràtic at the El Prat airport on October 14, 2019 in response to the procés ruling.

The judge continues to carry out investigations to find signs of terrorism regarding the Democratic Tsunami movement, created in response to the judicial case against the pro-independence leaders of the process that ended with a conviction for sedition by the Supreme Court.

Last week, the instructor referred the case to the high court, through a reasoned statement, to take up the matter as there were indications against the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont, currently a deputy in the European Parliament and therefore qualified before the Supreme Court. .

However, as stated in a resolution to which La Vanguardia has had access, García-Castellón will continue carrying out investigations to see the scope of TD’s actions, including what happened at the El Prat airport (Barcelona). The results obtained will be sent to the Criminal Chamber of the high court.

That day, a French tourist died of a heart attack after leaving the airport and on his way to the hospital by ambulance. At that time, a Court refused to open an investigation, understanding that the cause of death was natural.

Now, García-Castellón wants to reopen that matter, suspecting that the altercations inside the airport could have caused the heart attack. Among other things he has done, he has sought out the family of this person to offer them to appear in the case as injured parties.

Likewise, the instructor is requesting a series of reports from the Civil Guard and Emergencies to find out if this person made any previous calls that day to request medical assistance and if, given the disturbances that were taking place at the airport, the ambulances were able to enter.

The magistrate believes that those responsible for TD can be prosecuted for acts of terrorism, for promoting violent actions in order to achieve the independence of Catalonia from the Spanish State.

As explained in this new order, certain actions, such as the Prat, were “apparently planned.” In his opinion, the organization urged the mobilized masses to close the accesses and thereby block and render the air control center unusable.

“It is necessary to highlight the strategic importance of this objective, and the serious consequences for the safety of national and international air traffic of the success of the intended action,” the resolution states.

In the opinion of the instructor, by trying to prevent the change of shift of the facility’s air traffic controllers, “not only was it intended to cause economic damage, but it could have had a catastrophic result with unforeseeable consequences for the people who were at that time. in flight, on board aircraft in the area under control, with the obvious risk and danger to their lives.

García-Castellón explains that altercations and disturbances were taking place inside the Prat airport “which caused a serious alteration of public peace.” It points out that “significant public disorders and damage occurred, the freedom of movement of numerous citizens who intended to use the airport facilities was directly affected, and who were prevented from accessing the facilities, flying to their destinations or leaving.” from the place to return to their homes”.

Likewise, it considers that during the time in which the occupation continued, the physical integrity of numerous members of the Security Forces and Corps acting, the protesters themselves, travelers and workers at the facility, in addition to air safety itself.