Eighteen patients from the Llíria hospital (Valencia), affected this Sunday by a fire that broke out in the psychiatric unit and forced the evacuation of two floors, have been evacuated and relocated to two other hospital centers.

This was stated by the Minister of Health, Marciano Gómez, who went to the hospital after the fire occurred and where he indicated that fifteen of the evacuated patients have been taken to the Arnau de Vilanova hospital in Valencia and another three to the La Fe Hospital in Valencia.

23 patients have also been evacuated from the fourth floor, where Internal Medicine is located, although after the fire is extinguished they will be able to return to their rooms to continue being treated.

Gómez explained that the causes of the fire are being investigated, which originated around 6:00 p.m. on the fifth floor of the center, where the Psychiatry Unit is located, and forced the evacuation of both that floor and the fourth, where Internal Medicine is located. .

The councilor thanked the actions of the health personnel, who “had some quick moments of lucidity, and in less than three minutes managed to evacuate the patients.”

“A performance that has been praised by the head of the Llíria fire services,” said the councilor, who highlighted that the workers were “perfectly trained since the simulation and emergency plans work, the drills, which we do constantly.” .

According to the councilor, “fortunately there have been no injuries, only the inconvenience generated by the disturbances of the fire, everything has gone well. I want to thank again, because it is fair, the attitude and action of the health personnel, quickly and effectively.”

Regarding the causes of the fire, he indicated that there is a room that has more damage, but it will be the firefighters, who are investigating, who will determine them. “I don’t want to get involved in conjectures that don’t belong to me, our responsibility is health.”