The debate around surrogacy is topical again. If a few months ago it was Ana Obregón who rekindled the flame after the decision to be a mother and, at the same time, grandmother of a girl using this technique, now it is Paris Hilton who has turned to her to become the mother of little London , after discarding 20 male embryos.

It is this last point that has caused great controversy. The American businesswoman’s intention was to have a girl, 10 months after her other son, Phoenix, was born, also through surrogacy. The TardeAR program, on Telecinco, has echoed the news and its presenter, Ana Rosa Quintana, was emphatic when giving her opinion on Hilton’s controversial decision.

“Choosing the sex of the baby is legal in many countries: in the United States, in Belgium…”, he began describing. Xavier Sardá, one of the regular talk show hosts of the evening space, took the opportunity right after to send a ‘zasca’ to the socialite for having discarded up to twenty frozen embryos: “And couldn’t she be frozen?” he blurted out.

“Let’s see if it then thaws and is still alive 100 years later,” Quintana responded. “This is the capricious woman, even for this,” she continued, launching a harsh argument against Paris Hilton’s decision. “But she is also the mother of what? She lays the egg, the sperm of her husband, but her womb is also rented, she does not gain weight,” she expressed her opinion with a clear tone of anger.

Vicky Martín Berrocal, another of TardeAR’s collaborators, later pointed out: “She probably doesn’t want to gain weight, but she has also said that the two things that scare her most in life are giving birth and death,” she said about the great fears of life. by Paris Hilton.

Cristina Cifuentes, for her part, has shared Ana Rosa’s position. “To me it seems like a frivolity of a caliber, because assisted reproduction techniques are good, to avoid genetic diseases, but for a reason that is truly important,” she said. Finally, Lolita believes that she is misusing the money that celebrities like Paris have, “with the hunger that exists and the women who would like to have children but cannot.”