There are town names that have a sound that makes them fall in love on the networks and others that, because they don’t exist, become digital torture. In March 2018, a Civil Guard report sent to Supreme Court judge Pablo Llarena and published by El Mundo recounted the rebellion during the 1-O of the residents of Sant Esteve de les Roures against the police . A protester who steps on an officer, a motorcyclist who tries to run over another and steal his gun… Alleged serious crimes committed in a town… that doesn’t exist. The error became an opportunity for independence. In just a few days, more than 3,000 accounts of non-existent administrations, businesses and neighbors had been registered on Twitter, and the community manager of the Civil Guard itself was denying their comments.

The new invention is Sant Cugat de Llobregat and the copyright belongs to Alberto Núñez Feijóo. “The citizens of Sant Cugat de Llobregat have the same rights as those of Cuzcurrita de Río Tirón”. If we search X for the name of the supposed Catalan town, the algorithm completes the request with some “???”, even Google Trends recorded an increase in searches in Catalonia. The honorable neighbor @jordiPuignero takes advantage of Elizabethan wisdom (Ayuso): “Feijóo has no idea where Sant Cugat is.” And colleague @emmavallespinos imagines “crying in a corner” the author of the PP leader’s speech “who spent the previous night in blank wondering if it was a risk to make him say something like ‘ Cuzcurrita del Río Tirón ‘”.

Independence is no longer for the faint of heart, but in its “new stage” after it was agreed two days ago that the investiture of Pedro Sánchez explores the Spanish geography. “Cuzcurrita exists?”, where is Cuzcurrita?”… Cuzcurrita exists and Feijóo knows it. @QuimMonzo provides his 341,000 followers with the Wikipedia link while the rest are digging Feijóo’s wound.

Sant Cugat del Vallès is in the top ten of the wealthiest municipalities in Spain, while Cuzcurrita – “town of art and wine”, 522 inhabitants – ranks 2,575. Do its citizens have the same rights? There are a couple of buses a day, a doctor who visits for two hours in the morning and if health care is required for the rest of the day, the City Council recommends calling 112. Of course, they can entrust themselves to their patron saint, Saint Michael Archangel, or sing a jot: “In Spain there is a Rioja / and in La Rioja a Cuzcurrita, / and in Cuzcurrita a claret / that removes all sorrows”.