The investiture has been difficult, but the legislature does not aim to be easy. On the one hand, the problems are obvious and require urgent solutions. And, on the other hand, the majority that made the investiture possible is not without certain contradictions. Programmatic definitions do not always match and, moreover, problems between the same groups that make up the majority. The situation is not simple, but it is in everyone’s interest that the Government governs and that the decisions taken contribute positively to solving the issues that affect everyday reality. Governing to land on the ground of solutions.

The first big problem is found in political polarization. The transversality that many problems demand does not seem possible; and in any case, broad-based agreements that lighten the inevitable burden of some solutions. But no matter how difficult it is, you don’t have to give up right away. We must trust that the existing radical polarization will focus on some essentially political issues, freeing from this tension other more pragmatic aspects of clear economic and social impact. Will it be possible? It’s not clear, but it would be nice.

Just as problematic as this polarization between blocs can be the polarization “intrablocs”. In other words, the need for some formations to excessively single out their participation in the majority government. Certainly, this claim can have a real impact on the stability of the Government and, even, of the institutions and the necessary balance between their respective constitutional roles. However, in this aspect, after previous statements of a very different nature, the political formations that have agreed on the investiture vote now emphasize that “Spain is characterized by being a democracy and a State of law in which the principle of legality, the democratic principle and respect for fundamental rights are set up as essential pillars”.

Along these lines, in the preamble of the amnesty bill, it is also highlighted that “since 1978, Spain has had a constitutional text homologous to that of the countries around us, which guarantees fundamental rights individually considered and preserves the ideological and political rights of all”, while agreeing on the “solidity of the democratic system”. All this, after all, leads the proponents to point out that their particular political objectives must be processed within the constitutional legal system. Well, this should give some flexibility to the decisions that have to be taken in order to deal with issues that affect the daily problems of citizens. The discrepancies, logically, remain; but they are more limited.

Despite everything, you have to accept that governing will be difficult. But this cannot be presented as anyone’s success. It’s one thing to make it difficult and another to set out to make it even more difficult. The costs of the difficulty are paid by all citizens and this cannot be a success for anyone. Settling into polarization or extreme singularization.

The international environment does not allow us to delay decisions. Internal conflicts do not hide the importance of the consequences of conflicts that come to us from outside. Now it’s time to govern and this is the Government’s responsibility. But also, where possible, to all those who make up the popular representation. Everyone would gain credibility.