The 20-meter-high Christmas tree that will be placed in the Valencia City Hall square still has to grow a lot to compete with the examples from Vigo and Badalona that compete to be the tallest in Spain above 40 meters in height . However, the new local government of Valencia wants the political “change” to be noticed and make these important dates “fashionable” with other more Mediterranean attractions such as pyrotechnics or floral decorations. It seems that some Spanish cities have started a race to celebrate the best Christmas and Valencia does not want to be left far behind.

The mayor of València, the popular María José Català, yesterday presented the city’s Christmas campaign with great fanfare and explained that 45% more has been invested in Christmas lighting and decoration, reaching an investment of 615,711 euros.

The mayor pointed out that “efforts have been redoubled so that Valencia has two million LED lights; 225 luminous arches in more than streets, specifically, 75 more than in 2022; 20 Bon Nadal posters; besides. 9,125 units of poinsettia, the Christmas plant, will be distributed throughout the city.”

Precisely, this ‘Mediterranean Christmas’ campaign will pay special attention to floral ornamentation. Thus, on the façade of the City Hall, a plant tapestry with a clear Christmas flavor will be installed, an innovative and sustainable floral composition made with plant species such as mastic, pine and fir branches, along with mosses of different kinds. This proposal has the collaboration of the world champion of floral art, the Valencian Lina Roig.

As municipal sources already explained, the city’s other big bet will be the fireworks displays. On New Year’s Eve, four castles will be launched simultaneously from four different points that will illuminate the entire city. Vulcano pyrotechnics, from Turís (Valencia), will be in charge of firing 2,000 kilos of gunpowder “in a coordinated manner” through GPS control technology.

The mayor also commented that “every district of the city is going to have a Christmas tree. “In total 19 Christmas trees, 5 more than in 2022.” With the aforementioned Plaza del Ayuntamiento “very Rockefeller Center” – in Catalá’s words – as its flagship.

The skating rink, which is again made of ice, the merry-go-round and the children’s train will once again be located in the square. Likewise, the traditional location of the Birth is recovered “of the Mystery of the Birth, a tribute to the Fallas artists, it is the work of José Puche and this year it will be completed by new figures that the artists Ceballos and Sanabria are creating.”

Some changes that will also come, with the new PP and Vox government, to the Three Kings Parade. Faced with the previous executive’s commitment to give visibility to non-biblical characters such as the messenger Caterina or Mr. Carbó, it will return to “the traditional parade format,” they explained from the Department of Festivals managed by Vox. Thus, they confirmed the idea that the PP already launched when it governed alone – the extreme right joined the local Executive in mid-October – that “traditional values” will be highlighted in the Three Kings Parade.

Furthermore, as the mayor pointed out yesterday, this year the National Police will once again be part of the parade that will tour the streets of Valencia on the magical night of January 5. Also, sources from the Department of Festivals and Traditions confirmed, private companies will be able to participate in the parade again.

Of course, there will be no parade of Les Mages de Gener, who organized left-wing social groups.