The second vice president of the Government and leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, has rejected that her party is going to participate with the PSOE in the Galician elections that will be held in the coming months and has assured that they will participate on their own after La Vanguardia informed that the socialists have tested them with that possibility.

“I absolutely deny that information,” Yolanda Díaz explained to journalists at the doors of Congress before the solemn opening of the legislature chaired by the King. The vice president has insisted that “this information is radically false” and has warned that “Sumar has its own project, it has it throughout the country and it is the decisive force that has allowed Mr. Pedro Sánchez to be president today and we are going to follow him.” being throughout these years in our country”.

The Minister of Labor also regretted that the information was not collated despite the fact that the same news item indicates that Sumar sources assured this newspaper that they were unaware of the socialist proposal and that their intention was to continue the territorial implementation of the training.

The truth is that the PSOE does not want unproductive votes on its left and given the zero possibilities that the available polls attribute to Sumar, particularly in the provinces of Lugo and Ourense, they make the socialists consider, at least in these constituencies, some type of coalition or including members of Sumar in their lists, when in parallel, the PP pressures Vox not to appear for the same reason.

A few hours earlier, Sumar’s spokesperson in Congress, Marta Lois, advanced the same idea in an interview on RNE: “There is nothing that has to do with that coalition.” Lois has indicated that Sumar is going to appear in Galicia with “a program and its own agenda”, convinced that they will be a decisive force for change to end “the 14 years of paralysis of the PP.” “Everyone knows that forces like the BNG or the PSOE in Galicia are not enough. A strong Sumar is needed for that change, for a progressive government and it will be there,” both in the Galician community and in Euskadi, he said. emphasized.