The Congress of Deputies and the Senate will meet in a joint session of the Cortes Generales this Wednesday, November 29, at 11:00 a.m. for the Solemn Opening of the XV Legislature. The session will be chaired by His Majesty the King, Don Felipe, who will declare the legislature open before the deputies and senators in the Chamber of the Lower House.

The Solemn Opening of the legislature is provided for in article 5 of the Congress Regulations and H.M. the King and the president of Congress, Francina Armengol, who will be accompanied in the presidential gallery of the Chamber by H.M. the Queen, Doña Letizia, by H.R.H. the Princess of Asturias, Doña Leonor, the president of the Senate, Pedro Rollán, and the members of the Bureaus of both Chambers.

Their Majesties the Kings will arrive at 11:00 a.m. at the Carrera de San Jerónimo, escorted by the Royal Guard Squadron, where the Honors Battalion will be in formation, four companies from the Army, the Navy, the Army of the Air and Space and the Civil Guard with Flag, squad of spenders, band and music. The Royal Family will be received by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the Chief of the Defense Staff (JEMAD), Teodoro Esteban López Calderón.

Next, the King will receive military honors and review the Honors Battalion, accompanied by the chief of the Defense Staff, the chief lieutenant general of the Military Quarter of the Household of His Majesty the King and the chief lieutenant colonel of the Defense Battalion. Honors. The delegation will move to the steps of the Palacio de la Carrera de San Jerónimo where they will be received by the president of the Congress and the president of the Senate and will greet the rest of the members of the Boards of the Lower House and the Upper House.

The procession will enter the interior of the Palace through the Lions Gate. Already in the Lobby of Isabel II, the procession, preceded and closed by the maceros of the Cortes Generales, will advance through the Hall of the Lost Steps and enter the Hemicycle through the staircase of the Gallery of the Agenda, which gives direct access to the presidential gallery.

In the Session Hall, enabled to accommodate the deputies and senators summoned to this joint session of the Cortes Generales, the Royal Family will be received with the National Anthem. Next, the president of the Congress will open the session, give her speech and give the floor to His Majesty the King who, after her intervention, will declare the XV Legislature open. Once the speeches are over, Armengol will adjourn the session.

Once the event in the Chamber has finished, the Royal Family will return to the Conference Hall to greet the authorities and guests in protocol order. After the greetings, the authorities will go to the Carrera de San Jerónimo and SS.MM. The Kings will be placed on the podium of honor to attend the military parade in their honor by the Group of the Armed Forces and the Civil Guard, which will conclude the Solemn Opening of the XV Legislature.