A software for the efficient management of car maintenance has been the winning project of the Creatic awards. Promoted by Drivi, this project has won the award for the best business initiative in the field of technology and innovation awarded by https://www.tecnocampus.cat/ and the Mataró City Council.

The award ceremony took place last Thursday, November 23, at the TecnoCampus technology park, within the framework of Entrepreneurship Night. An event dedicated to recognizing the innovation and entrepreneurship present in the Maresme region and attended by more than 300 people.

“It is a satisfaction to be able to hold this celebration of innovation, entrepreneurship, creativity and, above all, recognition of the existing talent in Mataró for another year,” commented David Bote, mayor of Mataró and president of the TecnoCampus Foundation.

During the night, the Creatic awards were presented, which recognize the best business initiatives in six different categories: technology and initiative, female leadership, social impact.

Likewise, the Antena TrenLab awards were granted, which recognize projects related to user satisfaction, station experience and railway safety. Between both recognitions, a total of 86 applications were received.

Of the more than eighty applications submitted, the award-winning companies were Drivi, Placebo, FindYourBra, iUrban, Mass Factory Urban Accessible Mobility and Mobility Seven. The six winners received a financial prize valued between €6,000 and €40,000 and the possibility of subsidized access to the business acceleration programs carried out by TecnoCampus.

The award for the best business initiative in the field of technology and innovation was Drivi. The company offers software aimed at creating value for the automotive sector through the creation of efficient maintenance management.

The exceptionality of this company is that it is being developed by a father and a son, Sergio Prado and Hugo Prado. They both started this project as a result of a car problem at the time they were overtaking on the highway.

“On one of my wife’s trips to Córdoba, her car stopped while she was overtaking and thanks to her skill she was able to avoid a major problem,” explains Sergio Prado, CEO of Drivi.

And he adds: “When we took the car to the mechanic he told us that the problem was in the fuel filter, a part that is not usually checked unless necessary. From this situation we decided to develop a program to avoid problems like this”

Other awards presented at the Entrepreneurship Night were the Creatic for Best Business Initiative Led by Women, which went to Placebo, a smartbranding agency specialized in the design of smart brands, acting at the intersection of strategy, design and the technology. This award highlights women-led entrepreneurship.

The Creatic Award for Best Business Initiative with Social Impact went to FindYourBra, awarded for its technological solution based on artificial intelligence, which helps women find bras that fit them. This innovative approach has a significant social impact by addressing the specific needs of women through technology.

At the event, recognitions were also given to business projects carried out by vocational training students from educational centers in Mataró and to students from TecnoCampus.

The Creatic Award for the Best Entrepreneurial Project of VET Students from the Educational Centers of Mataró went to BI-LIFE, a sustainable and affordable interior analysis and remodeling service, aimed at traditional businesses. This project, developed by VET students from the Pia Santa Anna school, highlights creativity and the entrepreneurial approach in the educational field.

Finally, the Creatic Award for University Entrepreneurship from TecnoCampus went to Tornado, which proposes a technological system dedicated to the prevention of encroachments in homes without electricity supply. This project highlights the entrepreneurial spirit and innovation coming from the university environment at the TecnoCampus.

Regarding the Antena TrenLab awards, the awards have recognized notable innovations in various categories. The Antena TrenLab Award in the Customer Happiness Category went to iUrban.es, a travel assistant connected to GPT, capable of providing information in 95 languages. This innovative approach contributes significantly to improving the customer experience, ensuring a personalized and multilingual service.

The Antena TrenLab Award in the Railway Station Experience Category has gone to App

Finally, the Antena TrenLab Award in the Safety Rail Category has gone to Mobility Seven-Lamarr Protocol, which presents an innovative system that connects all cities in a network, improving the feeling of citizen and urban safety. This protocol offers a comprehensive solution to strengthen security in the railway sector, thus contributing to a safer and more protected environment.

“The Entrepreneurship Night and the awards ceremony have been a success and we hope to be able to repeat it next year. We will try to continue improving it each edition,” concluded Josep Lluis Checa.