A cat that drinks too much water, urinates a lot, vomits food or blood, loses a lot of weight, or has almost no appetite is possibly sick. Like humans, there are several ailments that affect domestic felines more frequently.

Obesity and stress are two problems associated with several of them. Although the most common has almost no cure and its origin is still a mystery. In any case, as with humans, the best remedy is always prevention.

As obesity is related to some of the most common diseases, you must be aware of excessive weight gain. Specialists say that, when you touch it, you have to notice its ribs. Otherwise, you are very likely to be overweight. In this note, how to prevent common diseases in cats and keep them healthy.

Two key symptoms related to the most common diseases are increased water consumption and urine production. Vomiting hairballs or grass can be common, but if it is food or blood it is another symptom to take into account. And if they are accompanied by diarrhea or loss of appetite, it is something to worry about.

The appearance of the stool is another indicator. An unusual appearance (they are harder, softer, or outright liquid) is another sign that something is wrong. Also if they contain hair or if the cat needs a lot of effort to defecate or if it does not do so for several days.

The cat may begin to limp, walk more slowly, or become stiff when standing up or lying down. Also if he becomes hyperactive, scatterbrained or if he gets upset when touched and attacks him, these are symptoms to take into account.

A healthy cat should have smooth, pink or black fur. The coat should be soft and shiny. The presence of fleas is related to increased scratching and the appearance of black dots on the back and at the base of the tail.

1. Chronic kidney failure. It affects one in three felines and is a kidney failure that increases progressively. Its usual symptoms are excessive drinking and urination, vomiting, nausea, and weight loss. There is no cure, but with medication you can protect undamaged areas.

2. Hyperthyroidism. It affects older adults, who suffer from a higher concentration of thyroid hormone. As in the previous case, they begin to drink a lot of water, produce a lot of urine and lose weight. Treatment includes medication and, in some cases, iodine radiation.

3. Diabetes mellitus. Excess blood glucose, in general, appears in one in ten cats over seven years old and is related to obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. Its symptoms are similar to those of hyperthyroidism. A combination of diet and medication helps control it.

4. Feline leukemia virus (VILEF). It enters the animal through saliva, urine, feces or the bites of an infected cat. This virus makes the cat more predisposed to infections and neoplasms.

5. Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). Similar to the AIDS virus (HIV), it is spread through scratches and bites from sick animals. There is no cure for this disease that affects your natural defense system.

6. Cancer. The aging of cells also affects females who often suffer from breast cancer. In this case, as in women, prevention is the key.

To prevent these diseases, veterinarians advise giving them good quality food; avoid obesity with appropriate portions, exercise and play; avoid stress, giving them quiet spaces to stay; vaccinate and deworm them.

However, the most important thing is to take them to the vet for regular checkups. Regarding vaccination, Buenos Aires residents can obtain more information on this city government site.