The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has been very categorical in the control session this Thursday in Les Corts and has emphasized that he will continue seeking agreements with the opposition “until hell freezes over.” In order to demonstrate his “determination” to reach consensus on the Valencian agenda, Mazón has indicated that the amendments to the Accompaniment Law that the opposition had criticized for implying a change in the majorities to elect the control bodies will be withdrawn. by À Punt.

As La Vanguardia explained, the proposal signed by PP and Vox established that to appoint the five members of the Governing Council who elect Les Corts “an absolute majority will be enough.” The current regulations establish a reinforced majority of three-fifths (60 deputies), which forces the parliamentary groups to agree on the list of names. With the proposed change – which has finally been abandoned – PP and Vox would have free rein to elect whoever they wanted.

The opposition had harshly criticized this measure that PSPV and Compromís framed as an attempt by the new parliamentary majority to politically control regional television. This Thursday, after the president’s announcement in Les Corts, sources from the parliamentary group confirmed that the two amendments regarding television were withdrawn.

The document that proposed placing a maximum limit of 0.3% of the Generalitat’s overall budget on the financing of this public service is also withdrawn. The current rule establishes that the Generalitat’s investment “can never amount to less than 0.3% or more than 0.6% of these.”

A decision that in the corridors of Les Corts has been very well received by the opposition. The socialist deputy Mercedes Caballero has congratulated herself on the rectification and that the PP gave the “go-ahead” to the television model created by the Botànic. For his part, Joan Baldoví has ??also celebrated the step back of PP and Vox, but has indicated that he continues to maintain the same demands to open a dialogue with President Mazón: that the Consell-Corts commission be convened and that a plenary session be held on the Valencian agenda to bring the debate and contributions of all groups to Parliament.

Despite this refusal, in his speech on the platform, the head of the Consell has already made it clear that he is not going to give up and that he is going to continue offering the opposition to reach agreements on the Valencian agenda. Citing the Sueca thinker Joan Fuster, Mazón has pointed out, in Valencian, that “all the politics that we do not do will be done against us.”