There are those who are completely clear and others who spend days and days making the decision – What is the best color for a car? This depends on all kinds of factors, such as preferences or personal taste. It will also largely depend on the model of the vehicle itself. Conditions related to practicality, such as how well or poorly it hides dirt or scratches. And even if it would be easier to sell for possible future resale. However, safety must also be taken into account, since there are car colors with a greater risk of suffering a traffic accident than others.

When drawing conclusions from accident and collision data between vehicles, it is often said that a certain color of car is more at risk than others. That is, they are more likely to suffer these types of altercations, and the main reason is directly linked to how visible these cars are.

One of the most important factors during traffic is that road users can see each other, especially at night or during hours with less light. The easier it is to see a car, the greater the safety, since users will be able to realize its presence sooner and, therefore, react more quickly to any contingency.

The most visible cars are silver and white, followed closely by gray ones. And the least, the black. The reason? The low luminosity of its bodywork as this color absorbs a greater amount of sun rays. During the morning light hours the distances vary less, since the black cars are seen at approximately 70 meters away, while the gray ones are already seen at about 120 meters and the white and silver ones at 240 meters. However, the distance is increasing and getting worse in the case of black cars.

However, although the color factor of a car has to do with its safety, there is another aspect to take into account that is much more decisive: the lights. Cars with lights, whatever their color, are much more visible. And this will be even more decisive during the afternoon hours. Therefore, it will always be necessary to ensure that you drive under adequate visibility conditions and use the lights at all times or circumstances that are required. For drivers, it is as essential to be able to see other road users as it is to be visible to them.