The registration in the Assembly of a proposal to modify the law of the Government and Administration of the Community through, among others, the creation of the statute of the presidents of the Community of Madrid, has revived the controversy over the possible restitution of the lifetime pay for the former regional presidents of Madrid that was suppressed in 2015 with Cristina Cifuentes as president.

“The only thing that Ayuso is pursuing is his golden retirement starting in 2027,” criticized Más Madrid spokesperson Manuela Bergerot, describing as “unfair and disproportionate” the popular party’s proposal, which has amounted to 8,500 euros per month.

In an attempt to stop the initiative, Más Madrid has registered an amendment to the entire PP bill that has accompanied its own proposal. That is, that, upon leaving office, former presidents receive 75% of their remuneration “for a maximum of two years with a demanding regime of incompatibilities” while proposing to exclude from such recognition “people who have been prosecuted or convicted.” in firm” for crimes related to his public activity.

“It is about ending privileges and reducing the distance between the government and citizens. Unless Ayuso only thinks about solving her life and not that of the people of Madrid, she will accept our proposal,” Bergerot ironically summed up.

The text presented by the popular and published in the Official Gazette of the Madrid Assembly proposes the modification of Law 1/1983, of December 13, of the Government and Administration of the Community of Madrid “to introduce a section 2 in the article 20 with the main purpose of enabling the Government Council to regulate the status of the former presidents of the Community of Madrid” since, they argue, “it is one of the few Autonomous Communities that does not have a regulation of the figure of its former presidents” that establish a regime applicable “to those people who once represented the State in the Autonomous Community and who have a lot to contribute once they are no longer Presidents.”

If the regulations are approved, the list of beneficiaries would include Pedro Rollán, Ángel Garrido, Cristina Cifuentes, Ignacio González, Esperanza Aguirre, Alberto Ruiz Gallardón and Joaquín Leguina. And among the incompatibilities, “any position or employment in the public administration, in a situation of active service, except those of a teaching nature” is cited, in addition to “performance of public positions of popular representation.”