When people decide to adopt or buy a puppy, they are often guided by the expectation of what the dog will be like when it grows up, especially in terms of its size and appearance. The idea of ??a small, manageable puppy may be especially appealing to those who live in small spaces or are looking for a less imposing companion.

However, reality can be surprising when that adorable, tiny puppy begins to grow non-stop, much more than initially anticipated, until reaching an unexpectedly large size.

The user Paula Aguirre has illustrated this experience on TikTok: first she has shown how they met their puppy, which in theory was going to be a small chihuahua, and then how it is currently. As you can see in the pictures, he has grown into a huge and very hairy dog. That is, the complete opposite of what was expected.

This type of situation can occur for several reasons. In many cases, lack of information or deliberate deception by sellers seeking to take advantage of the demand for specific breeds can lead to prospective pet owners taking home puppies of mixed or different breeds than those advertised.

Situations like these are more common than you might expect. You only have to look at the comments section of the video to find numerous similar cases where, for various reasons, a dog that was thought to be one breed ended up being another. One user has even claimed that he thought he had a shiba inu and it was actually a fox.