From the first ultrasound to the images and videos during pregnancy and when the big moment of delivery arrives. Captures of the creature’s first hours of life. From his beginnings with games, trying foods, going for walks, playing with other children, saying his first words. All those moments in the life of someone who will be a future adult are recorded on the Internet before they are even aware of what it implies in terms of their privacy. And this is only the most common, since there are much more serious cases regarding the violation of the privacy of minors. This is what is known as sharenting, one of the main and most controversial issues that has to do with parenting and new technologies.

Sharenting is a very common practice among parents who have social networks, since it consists of sharing photos of their children on the Internet, mainly on Facebook or Instagram. Which means that, before the minor can decide whether or not he agrees with her privacy being shared in this way, a digital footprint is generated on the Internet. Something that entails a series of consequences that tend to be ignored.

When a photograph or video of a minor is uploaded to the Internet, a series of possible risks are triggered that parents should weigh. Kaspersky digital security experts highlight the most relevant ones.

Sharenting also entails a whole series of psychological consequences for children. The psychologist María Martín Sáinz-Pardo explains that, when they reach adolescence, they may feel a trauma of betrayal, which will result in a fight against their parents and also against themselves.

The lack of privacy, the vulnerable situation in which they find themselves and even the risks of suffering from cyberbullying or grooming, that is, an adult taking advantage of them, are serious consequences of sharenting that must be taken into account.