There are in the debates on the networks, so to speak, the debates, we mean, hashtags that remain as a background current, they do not always appear in the front line, but they are there, and the same thing happens with former president Puigdemont , said this simply as a statement. There are days when it does not triumph in the trending trends, but it marks the news even if it is in an invisible way. That is to say, that X sometimes and to our surprise resembles life itself.

These days he has returned to the front line of Twitter with his statement/warning that Junts could vote with the PP if there is not enough progress on what was agreed in the investiture pact. He who warns is not a traitor and there are those who take it seriously and those who do not, but there are also those who have doubts about climate change and even those who deny it. Let’s start with @bartim41, who addresses Pedro Sánchez in these terms: “You said you couldn’t sleep with Podemos in government, now you’re going to know what it’s like not to sleep with Puigdemont threatening a motion of censure.” Others tell you the same thing, but in ways that we are not going to reproduce because we are educated people.

Well, whether it affects the President of the Government’s dream remains to be seen. And the dream of the PP? Because another widely shared tweet is that of the popular ones accusing the PSOE of “submission” for seeing verifiers in Geneva, while at the same time turning its ear to Puigdemont. You can’t be black and white at the same time… or you can. Just in case, there are already voices warning like @rsanchezsa that “Why don’t you explain the

Be careful, that although the one who warns etc., blows also fall on the former president, and not only from Catalonia, @pacoburbuja, who presents himself as a “bolero singer”: “Puigdemont and his cronies will sell themselves to the highest bidder, be it “Perrosanxe or the puppeteer of the PP.”

We said that it remains to be seen whether Puigdemont’s words are going to keep Sánchez awake at night; From the outset, the socialists have downplayed its importance, “because the PSOE always complies with what was agreed.” There the tweeters really go crazy, the “ha, ha, ha” resonate even in the rocket that Elon Musk must be building after his previous ones failed. Lucky him, he can escape all this.