The young woman who in December accused the footballer Dani Alves of sexual assault assured this Thursday that the conversations held so far with the accused’s defense “at their request (the Brazilian’s lawyers)” have revealed the “impossibility of reaching any understanding.” “, according to a statement signed by the victim’s lawyer, Ester García.

The lawyer highlights “the different positions of the parties” regarding the extreme seriousness of the facts and the penalties that the respective lawyers have proposed. And she adds, to demonstrate the impossibility of that agreement of conformity that would avoid the trial, that “in any crime against sexual freedom, the moral damages and consequences are irreparable.”

La Vanguardia published information this Wednesday that included precisely those conversations held by Ester García with Alves’ former lawyer, Cristóbal Martell, and with the current lawyer, Inés Guardiola. Some reserved meetings that were held, as this newspaper already noted, at the initiative of the defense of the player accused of rape and of which the prosecutor Elisabet Jiménez was aware at all times.

Some meetings held and whose purpose was to avoid the trial if that agreement was reached, which the victim considered broken this Thursday through the statement signed by her lawyer. This newspaper also pointed out how the two parties had resumed talks with the arrival of Inés Guardiola to Alves’ defense team, which also included the lawyer Miraida Puentes from the first moment. And to what extent the lack of agreement regarding the years of sentence for the player that each of the lawyers defended. Hence, La Vanguardia also reported in that same information that the possible agreement was not only stalled, but that the Barcelona Court had already reserved two weeks of February to hold the trial.