* The authors are part of the community of La Vanguardia readers

From the helicopter in the garden to the rainbow bench… In La Vanguardia’s Readers’ Photos we can see a summary of ten curious images, of complaints or with a message collected this week in The Reader’s Mailbox.

The PR 171 trail runs through the Sierra de Collserola and allows you to enjoy spectacular views over the city of Barcelona, ??the surrounding hills and the sea. As we passed through Tibidabo we saw a rooftop with a helicopter anchored to the ground, several drones and a sculpture of a traveler with a suitcase.

The sculpture appears to be an adaptation of Bruno Catalano’s The Travellers, which can be seen in the French city of Marseille. This work evokes migration, how each person leaves something of themselves behind in order to continue living in another place, thus representing the fragility of the human being. The French sculptor is known for creating unconventional bronze statues with central sections missing. At first glance, each sculpture in the Traveler series appears to be frozen in the middle of a Houdini-style disappearing act.

An unmanned aerial vehicle, commonly known as a drone, is an unmanned vehicle capable of autonomously maintaining a controlled and sustained level of flight.

On the other hand, a helicopter is a rotary-wing aircraft powered by an engine, in which the support, unlike airplanes, does not come from fixed wings, but from a set of rotating wings known as the main rotor, located in the top of the device. The word “helicopter” comes from French. Devised by Gustave de Ponton de Amecourt in 1861 from the Greek words helix/helik- (????-) which means ‘spiral’ or ‘turn’ and pteron (??????) which means ‘wing’.

As we have been able to find out, a French pilot lives there with his family. Apparently, the unique device suffered a major breakdown and the repair cost exceeded 100,000 euros. The owner, who was not willing to pay for the repair or leave it in a hangar, found a tow truck and took the device to his house.

I share this photograph taken in the small town of Olopte, in Cerdanya, in a hotel-restaurant where my wife and I, along with another married couple, had lunch.

I did it because I thought it was interesting to highlight the “style” of the place with an advertisement for the famous Coca-Cola drink made perhaps a century ago no less and placed on a wall as a discreet decoration of something that in its time It offered the data necessary to popularize a new drink.

Advertising has always been based on achieving the best communication, today even with attractive decorative use.

I show this photograph taken early in the morning walking along Madrid’s Gran Vía: Si vis pacem para bellum. Christmas flea market (If you want peace, prepare for war. Christmas flea market). Quite an oxymoron that doesn’t add up.

In this image we can see the protective lampposts of the moon.

Little civility or hooliganism within the Sant Llorenç del Munt Natural Park painting the information signs.

In Badalona-Búfala we see how the Christmas party is already being announced with the decorations in the streets and squares.

Walking through Badalona at 7:00 p.m. I find this Christmas star within reach. That is the current dilemma. Everything materializes, even the deepest feelings, in such a way that we are not able to make a short stop to open our hearts.

The star of the Three Wise Men has fallen from the sky where it was and can only be seen by those who still have the illusion of Christmas.

Not even environmental pollution from traffic can prevent the cactus flowers from growing and appearing on this balcony.

Will we avoid climate change? The science is clear: to maintain a bearable climate, coal, oil and gas production must be reduced as soon as possible and renewable energy capacity (wind, solar, hydraulic and geothermal) must be tripled by 2030. At the same time, requires a substantial increase in financing for adaptation and investment in climate resilience.

The Dubai summit does not seem very promising and electric cars are not the right solution either because the creation and elimination of batteries represents a brutal energy waste. Something will have to be done and soon…

While I was walking through Cabrera, suddenly, I found a colorful bench. Some colors that make up the LGBT flag. These, for some, are colors that simply bring joy to the streets, but, in reality, they go beyond mere decoration.

And it is that in a time where it seems that there is progress at the level of rights/demands and/or social recognitions, it is very important that there are public administrations that make visible that there are people of the same sex who have every right to love each other and demonstrate it in public without consequences.

It also tells us that we still have a long way to go until there comes a day where it is not necessary to make visible situations that should be as everyday and accepted as many other social realities. Because one day there will be no need to make visible, demonstrate, or even pray, because our rights are respected.