Alberto Núñez Feijóo assured on Thursday, when announcing his new team, that he would respond to “every misbehavior” of the Government of Pedro Sánchez, and as soon as he officially learned of the meeting in Geneva of the representatives of the PSOE and Junts, to negotiate what was agreed in the investiture agreement, has put in place all the mechanisms at its disposal so that this meeting, which it considers “a humiliation”, does not just happen, as in its opinion the Government intends.

The president of the PP has given instructions to his spokespersons in Congress, Miguel Tellado; in the Senate, Alicia García, and in the European Parliament, Dolors Montserrat, to activate any mechanism that allows them to demand these explanations from the Government, and specifically, it will most likely be the issue that Feijóo himself brings to the first control session. to the President of the Government, in Congress.

Sources from the PP emphasize that they have taken these initiatives “once it was confirmed that PSOE and Junts are negotiating in Switzerland a new framework of coexistence and relationship between Spain and one of its Autonomous Communities”, and the PP will try by all means to “force the Government to inform about the content of that meeting, the agenda, the agreements reached and also about the identity of the international mediators that they are trying so hard to hide.”

The national leadership of the PP considers what is happening in Switzerland very serious, because it means breaking with what Spanish politics had been since the recovery of democracy. “Six years ago, a leader of Junts went to Waterloo to escape from Spanish Justice – they stand out in the PP, and yesterday, a leader of the PSOE left Spain heading to Geneva to negotiate with him what we are as a country”, for which concludes that “the greatest asset of the independence cause is no longer Carles Puigdemont: it is Pedro Sánchez.”

After the confirmation of the Geneva meeting, the PP considers that it is more necessary than ever to take actions such as the one that will lead it to mobilize tomorrow at an event in Madrid, in which the president of the PP will remember, according to popular sources, that “in the face of “a PSOE that wants us to be still, quiet and meek, there will be a vigilant and firm political alternative, and a mobilized society that will not let itself be bowed.”

In his speech at the popular event, which will be held in the park of the Debod temple, Alberto Núñez Feijóo will remember, according to the same sources “that Spain is much better than this Government, which is a national shame and generates constant international embarrassment.”

The PP therefore calls to go to the Temple of Debod, “the day after the meeting between the PSOE and Junts in Switzerland, 48 hours after the Congress Table includes the Amnesty Law on the agenda of the next Plenary Session, and three days before the anniversary of a Constitution threatened by the person who should ensure its compliance, who is the President of the Government, is commemorated,” the PP emphasizes.