
MLB recently revealed the uniforms that the San Francisco Giants and St. Louis Cardinals will wear for the upcoming “MLB at Rickwood Field” game. The teams will pay tribute to Negro League teams by donning NLB throwbacks. Oliver Kodner, the Cardinals Historian, known for his attention to detail in throwback uniforms, shared his thoughts on the Cardinals’ uniform for the game.

In a post on his blog, Oliver expressed his disappointment with the accuracy of the throwback uniform. He pointed out several discrepancies between the modern throwback and the original Stars jersey that it is based on. From the caps to the piping on the jersey, Oliver highlighted the differences that indicate a lack of authenticity in the design.

Oliver also raised concerns about the historical accuracy of the Cool Papa Bell jersey that the modern throwback is modeled after. He questioned the condition of the jersey on display at the BBHoF in Cooperstown and the lack of photographic evidence showing Bell wearing that specific uniform. Oliver emphasized the importance of authenticity when creating throwback uniforms to truly honor the legacy of the Negro League teams.

The Cardinals have worn similar throwback designs in the past, and Oliver expressed his disappointment in the lack of effort to accurately replicate the historical uniforms. He called for MLB to consult with uniform historians like himself to ensure that future throwback uniforms are faithful to the original designs.

While creating historically accurate throwback uniforms, especially from the early Negro League era, can be challenging, Oliver believes that with the right expertise and dedication, it can be done correctly. MLB has the opportunity to collaborate with uniform historians like Oliver to enhance the authenticity of throwback uniforms and truly pay homage to the legacy of the Negro League teams.

Oliver’s passion for preserving the history and authenticity of baseball uniforms serves as a reminder of the importance of getting the details right when honoring the past. His insights shed light on the significance of accurate throwback uniforms in celebrating the legacy of the Negro Leagues and the players who paved the way for future generations of baseball players. As MLB continues to showcase throwback uniforms in special games, Oliver’s expertise and dedication offer a valuable resource to ensure that historical accuracy is maintained in these tributes.