
# Exvangelicals Movement: A Growing Community in Chicago and Beyond

Chicagoan Blake Chastain’s creation of the hashtag #exvangelical in 2016 sparked a movement that has since grown into a vibrant community for those who have left evangelical Christianity. This umbrella term has provided a space for individuals with diverse faith journeys to come together, connect, and support one another. While faith changes are not uncommon, the rise of exvangelicals finding solace and community through social media has been a significant development over the past decade.

Divergent Paths and Shared Experiences

The exvangelical community is made up of individuals who have taken divergent paths following their departure from evangelical Christianity. Some have found new homes in different forms of Christianity or other religious practices, while others have embraced humanism, agnosticism, or atheism. Regardless of where they land on the spectrum of belief, the opportunity to connect with others who understand their experiences has provided a lifeline for many exvangelicals.

Blake Chastain’s Contribution to the Discourse

Blake Chastain, now residing in the Chicago suburbs, continues to contribute to the exvangelical discourse through his writing and as the host of the Exvangelical podcast. His debut book, “Exvangelical and Beyond,” delves into the rise of right-wing American Christianity, historical attempts to reform evangelicalism, and the modern exvangelical movement. Drawing on a variety of disciplines including history, religious studies, sociology, philosophy, and media studies, Chastain provides an accessible introduction to the topic for newcomers and offers thoughtful analysis for those deeply engaged in exvangelical conversations.

Unpacking the History of Evangelicalism

Chastain’s book takes readers through a comprehensive exploration of the history of evangelicalism over the past two centuries. He highlights how the evangelical church evolved into a more radical force, intertwined with power, capitalism, and whiteness. One surprising revelation from this historical journey is the fact that the religious right’s political involvement was not primarily motivated by issues such as abortion, but by the desire to maintain segregation and protect the tax-exempt status of institutions like Bob Jones University. Understanding these historical underpinnings sheds light on the current landscape of American Christianity.

Challenges of Reforming Evangelicalism

Despite various efforts to reform evangelicalism from within over the years, these movements have largely been unsuccessful. Chastain attributes this lack of success to the presence of unspoken norms within evangelical circles, whether political, racial, or related to LGBTQ+ issues. Deviating from these norms often leads to ostracization and a diminishing of influence, resulting in a conservative shift within evangelicalism over time.

The Role of Social Media in Building Community

Social media has played a crucial role in helping exvangelicals find community after leaving a high-demand religion. While people have been leaving evangelicalism for decades, the rise of social media platforms has allowed individuals to connect with others who share similar experiences. This sense of community is particularly comforting for exvangelicals who have fond memories of the strong community bonds within evangelicalism and are now seeking connection outside of that framework.

Insights from Former Insiders

Former insiders like exvangelicals bring a unique perspective to cultural conversations about evangelicalism. Their ability to interpret the language, values, and motivations of evangelical communities can offer valuable insights to those outside of these circles. In a time of heightened political polarization, exvangelicals can help decode messages and rhetoric from evangelical leaders, shedding light on underlying intentions and goals that may not be immediately apparent to a broader audience.

Finding Hope in a Changing Landscape

As the country navigates another tumultuous election season, Chastain remains hopeful about the possibilities for change. He notes a shift in the political landscape from nihilism to a sense of potential for progress. While there are still challenges to overcome, the willingness to try something different and the emergence of new dialogues offer a glimmer of hope for the future. The exvangelical movement, with its emphasis on personal growth and change, serves as a testament to the power of transformation and the potential for societal benefit.

In Conclusion

The #exvangelicals movement, spearheaded by Blake Chastain and a growing community of individuals, continues to provide a platform for those who have left evangelical Christianity to connect, share experiences, and support one another. Through social media, personal narratives, and thoughtful analysis, exvangelicals are reshaping the conversation around American Christianity and offering new perspectives on faith, community, and cultural engagement. As the movement evolves and expands, its impact on society and the broader conversation around religion and belief will undoubtedly continue to grow.