
NAHCON officials in Saudi Arabia recently uncovered a case of fraud involving two Nigerians who were posing as pilgrims. The impostors, identified as Abu Mahmud and Ismaila Yahaya, were caught trying to blend in with genuine pilgrims at the Muna camp. They were wearing fake Nusuk Identification cards and traditional white attire worn by Hajj pilgrims.

It was discovered that Mr. Mahmud, claiming to be from Kano State, had an expired Saudi visa and had been living in the country since 2022 after paying N3 million to enter illegally. He expressed regret for his actions, stating that he only wanted to perform Hajj. The fake pilgrims are currently under interrogation by NAHCON officials and will be handed over to Saudi authorities.

The Saudi government has issued a warning that all pilgrims must have a valid Nusuk card for this year’s hajj. Those without it face deportation, jail time, and a hefty fine. Despite this incident, the hajj rituals have begun, with over 1.5 million pilgrims participating and more expected to join.

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