
Game of Thrones was a worldwide phenomenon when it aired, with millions of viewers tuning in each season. The show’s success led to the creation of spinoff series to expand the Game of Thrones universe. House of the Dragon, set almost 200 years before the original show, premiered in 2022 and is set to return for its second season on June 16. The series follows the story of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Alicent Hightower leading up to the Dance of the Dragons civil war.

One of the planned spinoffs, Snow, a direct sequel following Jon Snow after the events of Game of Thrones, has been shelved for the time being. Kit Harington confirmed that the project was put on hold due to a lack of compelling ideas. A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, based on the novellas of Dunk and Egg, is in pre-production and expected to be released in 2025.

Flea Bottom, an idea to explore King’s Landing’s poorest district, was canceled early in development. Aegon’s Conquest, a show centered around the famed king Aegon Targaryen, is in development, with writer Matthew Tomlin attached to the project. Ten Thousand Ships, focusing on Princess Nymeria, was also shelved despite initial plans. The Sea Snake/Nine Voyages, which will explore Corlys Velaryon’s backstory, is in development as an animated series due to budgetary constraints.

Bloodmoon, a potential successor to Game of Thrones starring Naomi Watts, was canceled after filming a pilot that failed to meet expectations. The Golden Empire, exploring Martin’s version of imperial China, and Robert’s Rebellion, focusing on the war against the Mad King, are both projects that are still to be determined in terms of development and production.

As the Game of Thrones universe continues to expand, fans can look forward to more spinoffs and new stories set in the rich world created by George R.R. Martin. Each series aims to provide a unique perspective and delve deeper into the history and lore of Westeros and beyond. Stay tuned for more updates on the status of these exciting projects.