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news 10092024 163022

A late-August trip to the Outer Banks for a Niagara Falls family of three turned into an unforgettable experience when they welcomed a new addition to their family during their vacation. Alyssa Narkiewicz, an employee at Thermo Fisher Scientific, and her fiancé David Zajac, a Niagara City councilmember and ECC bowling coach, were joined by their 6-year-old daughter Paislee for what was supposed to be a relaxing getaway in Corolla, North Carolina. Little did they know that their trip would take a surprising turn as they became a family of four within hours of checking into their vacation rental.

Subheading: A Surprising Arrival

The couple, along with a group of eight adults and 10 kids, had just settled into their rental house the day before the unexpected events unfolded. Zajac recalled, “It started off as a normal vacation. That was our second time going to the Outer Banks… that Sunday we got there was just kind of to unpack and kind of just a relax day at the house.” Narkiewicz, who was nearly 35 weeks pregnant with their second daughter, initially brushed off her discomfort as typical pregnancy pains from the move-in and unpacking. However, it soon became apparent that something more significant was happening.

In the early hours of August 26, less than 12 hours into their vacation, Narkiewicz began feeling intense discomfort. As they prepared to make the hour-long drive to Outer Banks Health Hospital, her water broke, prompting a call to 911. Despite receiving the green light from her doctor to travel, the couple had not packed any essentials for a potential early arrival. Zajac shared, “Everyone kept putting it in the atmosphere: ‘Pack extra, bring a car seat, bring a diaper bag just in case.’ We said, ‘No, we’re not going to jinx ourselves.’ The doctor cleared me, so we thought it wouldn’t happen, but… it did.”

Subheading: A Dramatic Delivery

Corolla Fire and Rescue swiftly responded to the 911 call to transport Narkiewicz to the hospital. However, just seven minutes later, much to everyone’s surprise, their baby girl made her entrance right on the floor of the beach house. Emersyn Mae Zajac was born at 2:43 a.m., catching her parents off guard with the unexpected turn of events. Narkiewicz shared her feelings in the moment, saying, “I was kind of in panic mode because I had my scheduled C-section for the end of September, so I was not mentally prepared for a natural childbirth. It was just, ‘OK, she’s coming,’ and there’s no turning back now.”

Due to the limitations of the local hospital in handling premature babies born before 36 weeks or under five pounds, Emersyn was transferred to Sentara Princess Anne Hospital in Virginia Beach. She spent 12 days in the NICU before she was deemed ready to travel back home to Niagara Falls with her family. The couple embarked on a journey back home, making a night-time drive to reunite their newborn daughter with her sister Paislee and settle into their new family dynamic.

Subheading: Adjusting to New Beginnings

The arrival of Emersyn brought about a period of adjustment for the Zajac family, especially for Paislee, who had to wait to meet her new baby sister until she was out of the hospital. Narkiewicz described the experience, saying, “Technically, we didn’t have a baby for her there physically to see at first, until we could bring her to the hospital to visit her. Today, she went back to school, so she’s back in her little routine, but she’s been a great help so far to help get her bottle and snuggle her.” The transition to being a big sister has been a learning curve for Paislee, but she has embraced her role with enthusiasm and love for her new sibling.

Zajac reflected on the whirlwind experience, joking about Paislee’s enthusiasm to miss the first days of school and the family’s quick turnaround to bring Emersyn home once she was cleared by the hospital. The unexpected birth of their daughter has earned her the nickname “Beach House Baby” from the doctors, highlighting the unique circumstances surrounding her arrival and the resilience displayed by the entire family in navigating the unexpected turn of events.

As the Zajac family settles back into their routine in Niagara Falls, the memories of their eventful vacation in the Outer Banks will forever be etched in their minds. The unexpected arrival of Emersyn has brought joy, challenges, and new beginnings for the family, reinforcing the strength of their bonds and the resilience they showed in the face of uncertainty. Emersyn’s journey into the world may have been unconventional, but it has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the hearts of her family members, who will cherish the story of the “Beach House Baby” for years to come.