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news 10092024 194421

Buffalo Diocese Announces Merger and Closure Plans: Official List Revealed

Following a series of counter proposals from local parishes, the Buffalo Diocese has officially released its list of mergers and closures. The decision comes after settlements of nearly 900 childhood sexual abuse claims, a priest shortage, and a decline in mass attendance. The final decisions were announced on Tuesday, marking a significant shift in the landscape of the Diocese.

Changes to Initial Recommendations

One of the most notable changes to the initial recommendations is the decision to keep St. Mark on Woodward Avenue in North Buffalo open, despite the initial plan to close it. On the other hand, St. Margaret on Hertel Avenue will now be used as a secondary worship site. Additionally, in Batavia, Ascension Parish will merge with Resurrection Parish, contrary to the initial plan to keep them both open. In Dunkirk, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton will remain as a secondary worship site instead of closing its doors.

Implications of Mergers and Closures

A secondary worship site means that the church will not hold as many masses as a normal church but will still host weddings, funerals, and other events. Out of 52 counter proposals received, 26 were adapted as proposed, while changes were made to the other 26. Mergers are expected to commence in October and be completed by June 2025, reshaping the religious landscape of the Buffalo Diocese significantly.

List of Mergers and Closures

The full list of mergers and closures includes a detailed plan for each family within the Diocese. From merging with other parishes to closing worship sites, the decisions aim to optimize resources and address the challenges faced by the Diocese. Notable mergers include St. Benedict in Eggertsville merging with Immaculate Conception and St. Aloysius Gonzaga in Cheektowaga merging with Christ the King.

Appeals and Finality

Parishioners will have the opportunity to appeal to the Vatican if they believe that Canon Law was not followed by the Diocese. However, the Diocese emphasizes that the decisions were final and compliant with all necessary laws. There is a 10-day window to appeal once the merger date is finalized for a parish. It remains uncertain how many parishes may choose to appeal to the Vatican.

Bishop Michael Fisher’s Reflections

Bishop Michael Fisher expressed empathy for the parishioners affected by the mergers and closures, acknowledging the emotional impact of losing a parish. He highlighted the legacy and love shared by parishioners during the process, recognizing the significance of these places of worship in their lives. Fisher emphasized the emotional toll of the decisions on both the Diocese and the faithful.

Preparations for Closure

Buildings that are closing will be prepared for sale, with restrictions in place to ensure they are not used in a degrading manner. The Diocese is committed to respecting the sanctity of these spaces and ensuring that they are repurposed thoughtfully. The closures will bring the total number of parishes to 79 and secondary worship sites to 39, representing a 51% reduction in parishes and a 40% reduction in worship sites.

Impact on the Community

The mergers and closures are expected to have a significant impact on the local community, reshaping the religious landscape and consolidating resources. While the decisions may be challenging for parishioners, the Diocese believes they are necessary to address the current challenges faced by the Church. The changes aim to create a sustainable and vibrant future for the Diocese.

Press Conference with Diocese Officials

The Buffalo Diocese held a press conference to announce the mergers and closures, providing insight into the decision-making process and the rationale behind each recommendation. Officials from the Diocese shared their perspectives on the changes and addressed questions from the media. The conference offered a transparent look at the thought process behind the restructuring efforts.


The release of the official list of mergers and closures by the Buffalo Diocese marks a significant turning point in the history of the Church in the region. The decisions aim to address the challenges faced by the Diocese and create a sustainable future for the faithful. While the changes may be difficult for some parishioners, the Diocese is committed to supporting the transition and ensuring the continued spiritual growth of the community. As the mergers and closures take effect, the Diocese looks towards a new chapter of worship and service in the Buffalo area.
