
As England fans descend upon Gelsenkirchen for the highly anticipated match against Serbia at Euro 2024, local authorities and police are on high alert. With more than 30,000 England fans expected in the city, along with 10,000 Serbians, concerns are rising about potential clashes between the two fan bases.

The reputation of both England and Serbian fans precedes them, with the police warning of up to 500 Serbian hooligans who may be looking for trouble. Recent incidents, such as the halting of Serbia’s open training session due to pyrotechnics being launched at the police, have only added to the tension.

However, the focus is not solely on Serbian hooligans. Authorities are also keeping a close eye on the behavior of modern-day England fans. With a new generation of supporters who were teenagers during the last European tournament in 2016, there is uncertainty about how they may react to provocation.

In the past, England fans were notorious for their unruly behavior, earning the nickname “English disease.” However, in recent years, there has been a significant shift in fan behavior, with incidents of violence decreasing. This transformation was evident during the 2006 World Cup in Germany, where England fans were praised as the “fans of the tournament.”

Despite this positive trend, there are still warning signs that have raised concerns. A recent increase in arrests at domestic football games in England and Wales, along with a rise in football banning orders, indicates a potential resurgence of hooliganism.

Experts in the field of sports sociology and hooliganism believe that the response of the German police will be crucial in maintaining order during the match. With strict border controls and a proactive policing approach, the authorities are well-equipped to handle any potential disruptions.

Ultimately, while there may be some apprehension surrounding the behavior of both England and Serbian fans, the focus remains on ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all spectators. By staying vigilant and prepared, local authorities hope to prevent any incidents of violence and maintain the positive atmosphere surrounding the tournament.